Saturday, June 13, 2009

Food # 8 - Industrial Food

(I watched the pro-vegetarian / animal cruelty awareness video)

I am an omnivore. I've thought of becoming a vegetarian, and I could do it, but I feel that a healthy diet includes a wide variety of foods and that a reasonable amount of good meat along with enough vegetables and other things can be healthy. However, this video makes it clear that the animals that Americans eat are raised under such gross conditions that beyond making their lives completely terrible and unhealthy, it makes our consumption unhealthy.

Anything that common morality has to say about the American food industry will tell you how wrong it is. If the treatment that these Animals receive was done in front of the people who are eating them, I would bet that many less people would actually want to do it. However, most Americans simply are not aware. They go on living their lives while the meat isle in the local supermarket is the closest they get to industrial farming.

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