Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Questions about health

~ What are the different types of health and how to do they tie into and feed off each other?

~ What ailments or other health issues WOULD NOT EXIST if not for human industrial society?

~ In current day society how much can we really do to prolong a lifespan due to good health?

~ In what ways can you be happy while living with a lack of physical health? Are these a direct result technology?

~ In what ways, if at all, is physical health more or less significant for the wellbeing of a human in relation to another species of animal? Why?

~ For what reasons are people considered mentally ill? Has this changed?

~ In what ways does the media shape our image of health?

~ Is the image of health proposed by the media in the US truthful? Which parts and how much? And if not how is it fake/wrong?

~ How is health viewed differently in different cultures? How does the image of a healthy person differ?

~ How has knowledge of health changed due to research and development over the years and what in our lives has this affected?

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