Saturday, June 13, 2009

Collapse Assignment 2

In a society run on copious amounts of oil, one has to wonder what will happen when the oil is no longer plentiful enough. Will the society completely cave in? Probably not - but some people will probably die. I've said before, that reaching peak oil could mean that the massive and continuous technological development humanity has seen in recent years will soon come to an end. Our advancements have on top of giving us countless digital toys made food production easier, allowing for a great increase in population. With the unpredicted growth of population came the need to sustain that population. More and more food needed to be produced. For a while this was fine and good - oil allowed more incredible quantities of low quality food to be produced and distributed, however that source will soon be diminished and a hungry population will suffer.

One would think that this extremely time prevalent and time-sensitive oncoming problem would be the hot topic of the century. But Matthew David Savinar discusses some reasons why the media won't publicly discuss this on his personal website.

Three reasons he posts are:
a) Most journalist's are simply unaware.
"Wall Street and the financial media are made up of human beings that are just no more interested in the Peak Oil issue than most people that you know."
b) Journalists who are aware couldn't go public without causing panic and/or getting fired from their job.
"As soon as it is recognized that for all practical purposes the situation is upon us, then a vicious "resource grab" will be initiated."
c) Major industries that have largely founded our country such as the automotive and aviation industries would be severely damaged by widespread knowledge of this.
"With automotive giants GM and Ford already on the ropes, any aggressive program of conservation would likely so blunt the demand for new cars that the two automotive giants spiraling into bankruptcy."

Basically, if word won't get out about this, and if the masses of people are not aware of this drastic oncoming change - panic will erupt. Life will get hard, people will die all the while lashing out at each other. I do not believe that the governments will any longer be able to contain much of their populous'. I think that smaller reformed societies will form and hopefully work together for a possibly better future.

It can be said that humans haven't learned from their mistakes before - but a collapse of society of this magnitude has happened ever before in recorded history.

I for one, am very curious how events will unfold.

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