Saturday, March 28, 2009

Animal Paper

The majority of humans have long considered themselves as different from the other animals on this earth.

Over the years, humans have tried to give structure to the world around them – to label and name aspects of the universe in order to create a world in which they had a bit more control. (I use the term “they” loosely, as not every human really considered these things) So far as we know no other animal on the planet keeps track and records of “time”, though they are clearly aware of night and day and maybe even the periods we consider to be the hours of morning, afternoon and evening as separate sects of a day. We assume this through their behavioral patterns. However humans were the first to name it. The idea of “time” is a human creation. Humans have given this aspect of the universe anatomy. One could argue that the ability to do this does make humans different from others. Humans truly have added an outline to all that they could. They count the hours in a day down the minutes and seconds and milliseconds and beyond. They count the days in a year. And all of this is based on the earth’s rotation and its orbit around the sun. This schedule of time allows humans to speak of an exact date and time in the distant future. This, I believe, grants a certain amount of power. Honestly, it’s a feat to even know what the sun is made of or this planet’s relation to it. But humans have a name for all of these things. Because of the gradually expanding book of names for these aspects of our universe, humans seem to have grown arrogant. Now, instead of just experiencing an emotion or enjoying nice weather we try to understand and analyze these things. As a species, humans have gotten to a point where they have to consider everything. When looking at this in context of the idea that humans are losing track of their animality – it is a downward spiral. Amongst the popular culture of humanity, humans have actually created a world to themselves. When the typical person considers their priorities and concerns, it is likely that what they are dealing with is human-made. Relative to other animals, much of our way of life is incredibly unnatural. Human “Structure” is much a part of what they live for. Even the idea of unnatural is human-made. Anything that is part of another wild animal's life is considered natural. "Unnatural" is associated with humans.

One of the major downfalls that humans have forced themselves into endurance of (at least in popular American culture) is much of the loss of the awareness of their bodies. This is because so much of a human’s attention is centered around this human-made world. Again, human priorities often lie within this created, structured world. It is a Veil of Reality, so to speak. Humans have come to rely more heavily on their brains over their bodies. I believe that it would make for much happier life if humans would more consider their mind and body as one. Every inch of a body is connected to the mind so there is an obvious interdependence at work. Not all humans are very far behind on this, but I believe that most other animals have a much greater sense of it – or else, that’s all they know. It seems that typically other animals, will spend their lives simply surviving. Feeding themselves, feeding their family – however life works for them, they do things on a need / want basis for their bodies. Sure other animals sometimes go for mental stimulation and entertainment, but a much greater proportion of effort utilizes the body than the average human it seems. In the worst of cases, humans don’t even use their bodies to travel around. As long as the mind gets to where it wants to be it doesn’t matter to them. I’m speaking of things as common as cars. A non-human animal might wake up in the morning and hunt or search for its food. On the other hand a human in the worst case might wake up in the morning to drive to work, sit in an office, get a paycheck, drive home – and somewhere in there go to the supermarket or restaurant to buy their food. You can even order food online these days. Technically one wouldn’t have to leave a room in human culture. In my eyes, a greater sense of the body would absolutely make for a more fulfilling life.

It is difficult to argue that in certain areas the human mind does indeed excel beyond that of other known animals. I feel that the human awareness of their own mind is one of their most defining features. Metacognition, as it’s called, is essentially “thinking about thinking”. I won't claim that I know whether or not other animals ever examine things in a metacognitive way - but humans... they have questioned their own existence. That is I believe how the major religions of humanity have become such popular trends. They directly relate to questioning one's own existence. Religions and theories such as evolution have all been attempts of making sense of human and animal existence alike. One notorious question to come out of all this is a summary in a simple phrase: "Why are we here?" I suppose it is directed at a God or is possibly rhetorical. For many I'm sure the question is thought to be eternally unanswerable. Contrary to this characteristic of humans, other animals have nothing close as far as I know. Suicide, I think, is human-made as well. One of the ultimate forms of consideration about one's own existence is the idea of doing without it. With no existence, of course, there is no idea. A human considering suicide is contemplating un-existing. I do not think other animals have figured out suicide.

In our reality.. in my reality, I believe that thinking too much is not a good thing. To reach a good place, one has to either relax and accept things, or push their thoughts to a level beyond. Beyond seems really hard.

I got a little off topic but everything written is relative. I do think that humans are animals. And I do think that humans should remain at terms with this fact. It would make the organic parts of our lives as animals much easier.